Sunday 23 June 2013

Meadow Bunting

On the same day that I photographed the Eurasian Cuckoos in the earlier post, I had a nice time taking photos of some very showy Meadow Bunting parents. Both the male and female always came perching right by the board walk waiting for people to pass by before flying further to the nest, which seemed to be hidden somewhere low in the bush some 20m away from the board walk area. The parents were very active and the preys were relatively large, so I assumed that the chicks were pretty much ready to fledge soon.

Male Meadow Bunting

And here's the female

Another female from a different area
I later found another pair of Meadow Bunting in a different area. The parents seemed to be less busy and their feathers still didn't look as worn as in the first pair. I guess they were still in the incubating period or the chicks were still very young.


  1. Gorgeous shot Ayuwat, if only I could have gotten the same... I've seen them where I was (which was not Japan ;-) ), but could not get any decent shots. They were highly perched on posts!!! Your pictures are wonderful!

  2. Beautiful bunting pictures, Ayuwat. They look very happy with their beaks full.
