Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Still Struggling

Apart from the marsh, the forest around Tadewara was quite active too. I came across several Blue-And-White Flycatchers, but still couldn't get any decent shot of the beautiful male. They were all singing high up on the trees. One adult male has already paired up with an even shyer female. I did at least get one record shot of the female which makes it the first photo of the female I've ever taken. After struggling with the shy birds, I finally found a much more showy one, but sadly it was a first-summer male. The bird looked pretty ugly with brownish smudges all over its face and underparts. It's always like this... whenever I get a chance to photograph the bird that I'm after, it's always either a female, juvenile or moulting bird that shows up.

First-summer male Blue-And-White Flycatcher

Despite the look, it sounded really sweet.

Showing white patch at the base of outertail feathers

One of the shy adult males

And the record shot of the female; the first I've ever got.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning pictures, Ayuwat. I like the first summer male. He is really beautiful and you've captured his expressions very well. All of your photos beat my poor B & W pics for the year. I'm jealous!
