Friday 10 May 2013

Fallen sakura

This year was probably the first time for me not to take photos of birds in the parks among the sakura (cherry blossom). The flowers bloomed 2 weeks earlier than usual and I wasn't prepared for that. By the time I thought I should go to some parks, they'd already fallen. At least I took a walk around my campus while the flowers were still blooming and could get some photos of a singing Japanese Bush Warbler among the cherry blossom. I have to say that it looked much better in this environment. These shots were taken on March 30.

Japanese Bush Warbler among cherry blossom

Singing its heart out

Japanese Bush Warbler among cherry blossom

Japanese Bush Warbler among cherry blossom

Incredible how a little bird can produce a voice so loud that it can be heard from the distance.

More photos of it while singing

Looking normal

Then the throat starting to get bigger

And biggest before exploding into the final part of the song
Other than the cherry blossom, there were lots of other flowers. Many of them had really nice smells. I just love walking among them. It really gives a nice relaxing feeling. Below are some photos of the flowers I took on the same day. The Japanese Andromeda were in full bloom as well and they smelled so clean.

Japanese Andromeda

Japanese Andromeda

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom


  1. Super photographs, Ayuwat. Classic "Uguisu" images for Japanese culture. I didn't have so many opportunities to get birds in the Sakura this year either. Apart from rainy Niigata weather, when it was fine, everyone with a camera wedged themselves in amongst the cherry trees and left no space for poor me.

  2. Our cherry blossoms have just started blooming.........a week or so later than normal too.
