Saturday 27 April 2013

Washi no Yado

On the night of March 3, we booked for visit to Washi no Yado to see and photograph the well known Blakiston's Fish-Owl that frequents a small feeding area in front of the guesthouse. The owner suggested that we go there a bit early around 6pm since the she didn't put out fish for the owls for a couple of days due to the storm, so they might come quite early. Around 6:15, we were there parking in front of the guesthouse next to the small stream where the fish was put out. About 30 minutes later, the first owl arrived perching just in front of our car. It was so close that I lost my breath. It perched on the small branch for a while before landing on the bank to take the fish. Then an unfortunate event occurred, a group of old Japanese men suddenly rushed out from the guesthouse and walked around preparing their cameras making the bird fly away into the valley. We were extremely pissed. I had to wait for hours for the bird to finally show up again.

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

Coming down to take the fish

Unfortunately there was this Red Fox that always came around to steal the fish.

Red Fox

Red Fox

Red Fox

Blakiston's Fish-Owl fluffing its feathers to scare the fox

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

Blakiston's Fish-Owl

Looking at another individual perching above the guesthouse before flying away

And even when the bird finally came back, I still couldn't get many decent shots of it since there was also a Red Fox which came to snatch the fish put out for the owls. When the fox was present, the owl wouldn't come down to the stream. We waited for the owl to come down to take the fish frustratingly. Some Japanese guys started to get out of the car and chase the fox, but it would come back again in less than a minute. Finally the owl flew away. I spotted another owl perching on the pole above the guesthouse and hoped that this one would come down to take the fish, but it turned out that it also decided to fly over and disappear into the valley. We then gave up around 9:30PM and went back to the hotel.


  1. Blakiston FO is what I call an owl. Majestic creatures. Too bad about the sly fox.

  2. Enhorabuena por la buenas fotos que has realizado...
    Un saludo

  3. Your Oel shots have a lot more detail then I could manage when I stayed there. Did you use your 300 f4?

    1. Thanks, Stu. Yes, these shots were made by my 300 f4. Had to push the ISO up to 1600.

  4. Sorry I meant 'Owl' not 'Oel'!
