Sunday 14 April 2013

Rausu Port

After the boat trip for the eagles, I stayed around Rausu Port taking photos of ducks that were gathering in quite a good number. There were lots of Greater Scaups and Harlequin Ducks. I felt like there were even more Harlequin Ducks than the last time I was here, but sadly none of them were in full breeding plumage. Common and Red-breasted Mergansers and Common Goldeneyes were also presenting at the port.

Male Common Merganser

Male Common Merganser

With a female Harlequin Duck

Male Red-breasted Merganser

Female Harlequin Duck

Female Harlequin Duck

Female Harlequin Duck

Male Northern Pintail

Male Northern Pintail

Showing its violet gloss on the cheek

Male Red-breasted Margansers

Male Red-breasted Margansers

They were busy displaying.

Male Red-breasted Margansers displaying

Male Red-breasted Margansers

At the river mouth, there were gulls roosting as usual, as well as a pair of Whooper Swans, a pair of Common Goldeneyes and a male Northern Pintail. It felt a little unusual to see a dabbling duck here as there were only diving ducks elsewhere.

Male Greater Scaup

Male Greater Scaup

Male Greater Scaup

Eclipse male Greater Scaup

Eclipse male Greater Scaup

Eclipse male Greater Scaup

Eclipse male Harlequin Ducks

Eclipse male Harlequin Ducks

Eclipse male Harlequin Ducks

Female Harlequin Duck

Female Common Merganser

Female Common Merganser

Female Common Merganser

Another male Common Merganser with salmon-pink underparts

Another male Common Merganser with salmon-pink underparts

Taking off

Female Greater Scaup

Eclipse male and female Greater Scaups

Greater Scaup diving


Male Common Goldeneyes

Male Common Goldeneye

Male Common Goldeneye

Male Common Goldeneye

Eclipse male Harlequin Duck

Female Harlequin Duck

In the afternoon we decided to drive up north and check the ducks along the shore. We dropped by at Washi-no-Yado to ask about the owl but the owner wasn't there. There was an influx of eagles coming out from the valley at the guesthouse though. It turned out that they were escaping the snow storm which was coming from behind the valley. The storm was so strong that we had to go back to the hotel instead. It then continued throughout the whole night and almost the whole next day!

Adult Steller's Sea-Eagle

Juvenile Steller's Sea-Eagle

Adult Steller's Sea-Eagle

The eagles were escaping the snow storm from the valley.

The storm was coming right behind.

Adult Steller's Sea-Eagle

Subadult Steller's Sea-Eagle


  1. You had a very successful trip, some really great shots again.

    I can never get that close to Harlequins.................

  2. Great collection of ducks and some wonderful pictures.

  3. The duck images are just superb. Another great post.
