Saturday, 10 March 2012

Deignan's Babbler

My apologies for posting the finished version of the Deignan's Babbler painting in this post later than I said. Since I don't own a scanner, I had to go to the campus the scan the pictures there. As I have written in the earlier post, there are only few slight differences between the Deignan's and Rufous-fronted Babbler. I painted the Deignan'ss according to the original text described by H. G. Deignan in 1939 as follow. 
Description. Front and crown dull, dark rufous, with incon-
spicuous dark shaft-streaks; upper parts, including wings and tail,
dark olivaceous-brown; lores and feathers above eye pure gray;
ear coverts olive-brown; edge of wing, under wing coverts, and
axillaries pale gray; chin and upper throat pale gray with con-
spicuous black shaft-streaks and sharply defined from the remaining
under parts; lower throat and upper breast olivaceous-buff, changing
to a dull, light olivaceous-brown on rest of breast, abdomen, flanks,
and under tail coverts the whole bird below darker and duller
than any race of rufifrons. Irides red; bill dark gray; feet, toes, and
claws olive (fide De Schauensee).
I found it really difficult to be precise but I tried my best. I got confused with the description of bill colour. He only mentioned that it is dark grey. I'm not sure whether it's completely dark grey or not since Rufous-fronted Babbler also has greyish bill but with faint pinkish colouration at the base of the lower mandible, so I put a little pink to the lower mandible of the Deignan's as well, but much less than in Rufous-fronted's. Any comments and critics are welcomed!

Deignan's Babbler (left) with Rufous-fronted Babblers
among Impatiens psittacina 

Note 'pure' grey lores and feathers above eye, pale grey throat, darker rufous crown

Rufous-fronted Babbler (Stachyris rufifrons rufifrons)

Note paler overall plumage, grey eyebrow with olive tinged


  1. These are just brilliant, a style all of your own now.

  2. สวยจนอยากหยุดหายใจเลยค่ะ ชอบอันที่ซูมรูปสุดท้ายมาก ๆ :-D

  3. They are jsut very beautiful so no need to apologyse.

  4. Tremedously beautiful and important art, Ayuwat. A wonderfully careful study. I don't know what else to add! Just great.

  5. aww super cute น่ารักมากๆ เลยค่ะ หน้าตามันกลมป้อมจริงๆ
